全て クラス 名前空間 ファイル 関数 変数 プロパティ ページ
名前空間 | クラス
IniParser.Model パッケージ


package  Configuration
package  Formatting


class  IniData
 Represents all data from an INI file [詳解]
class  IniDataCaseInsensitive
 Represents all data from an INI file exactly as the IniData class, but searching for sections and keys names is done with a case insensitive search. [詳解]
class  KeyData
 Information associated to a key from an INI file. Includes both the value and the comments associated to the key. [詳解]
class  KeyDataCollection
 Represents a collection of Keydata. [詳解]
class  SectionData
 Information associated to a section in a INI File Includes both the value and the comments associated to the key. [詳解]
class  SectionDataCollection